Businesses changed data about directors and addresses four times more often last year

What data do Ukrainian businessmen change about their companies?

3 June 2024

Over 278,000 registration changes have been made by businesses since the start of the full-scale war according to the Unified State Register data. Nearly 80% of these changes occurred in 2023. The most common changes were found to be the replacement of company directors and registration address.

Since the beginning of full-scale war, 41% of all changes have involved company directors, while 39% of cases involved changes in business registration addresses.

Most popular registration changes
Company director114,48541.2%
Company registration address108,40339.0%
Type of activity22,2278.0%

Overall, last year saw 220.9 thousand registration changes. This figure is nearly equivalent to the numbers from 2021, when there were 224 thousand changes recorded in the registries. However, in 2022, the number decreased to 57 thousand, which accounts for 20% of the total volume of registration changes since the beginning of the war.

Over the course of the year, there was a 46% increase in changes of company registration addresses. Before the full-scale war began, there were over 68 thousand such changes, while last year, their number reached the mark of 100 thousand.

Since the beginning of the war, open data is no longer published in the Unified State Register, so most companies and banks have lost the ability to update their client databases. However, updating data remains the responsibility of banks according to NBU Resolution 65.

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