A record number of people were reported missing in 2023

Collaborators, thieves, and fraudsters are the most frequently searched individuals

5 February 2024

Last year, more than 7,000 people were reported missing according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The most common reasons for people being reported missing are collaboration, theft, and fraud. Most of the missing individuals are between 24 and 45 years old.

In 2023, 7,422 people were reported missing in Ukraine. This is the highest number in the last five years and 40% more than in 2021 when 5,269 people were reported missing for the whole year.

Number of wanted persons
Number of wanted persons4,1774,7995,2695,9157,422

In 2023, most missing persons were reported due to collaboration (Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code) — 21.7%. Other reasons for being listed as missing include theft (Article 185 of the Criminal Code) — 18.2%, treason (Article 111 of the Criminal Code) — 5.3%, and fraud (Article 190) — 4.8%.

Top reasons people are reported missing
Collaboration activities, Article 111-11,61121.7%
Theft, Article 1851,35118.2%
Treason, Article 1113925.3%
Fraud, Article 1903594.8%
Manufacturing/possession of drugs, Article 3093354.5%
Drug trafficking, Article 3072313.1%
Forgery of documents, Article 3582072.8%
Robbery, Article 1861972.7%
Traffic violations, Article 2861792.4%

44% of individuals in the registry were reported missing in the front-line regions. The leading region is Donetsk with 752 individuals (10.1%), followed by Kharkiv with 696 (9.4%), Kherson with 637 (8.6%), Zaporizhzhia with 620 (8.4%), and Luhansk region with 561 (7.6%).

Almost half of the people on the missing list are hiding from pre-trial investigation authorities — 3,299 individuals or 44%. In second place are those hiding from the court — 2,126 people. The third position is held by individuals sentenced to non-custodial punishment — 1,183 people.

Arrest warrants have been issued for nearly 18% of people on the missing list, and another 15% are supposed to be in custody.

Categories of people who are wanted
Hiding from pre-trial investigation3,29944.4%
Hiding from the court2,12628.6%
Convicted for non-custodial punishment1,18315.9%
Convicted for imprisonment3404.6%
Civil defendant971.3%
Mentally ill or helpless person951.3%
Hiding from the prosecutor’s office751.0%
Deserter (Ministry of Defence, Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine)240.3%

In 2023, 79% of the people wanted are men, and women make up 21% of the total.

Most of the individuals wanted are between 25 and 45 years old. The oldest person wanted is 87 years old, and the youngest is 6 years old.

As of the end of January 2024, there are 55,992 people wanted.

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