The number of charitable organizations in Ukraine has almost doubled since the start of the full-scale war

How did the war change the field of non-profit organizations in Ukraine?

11 December 2023

The number of charity organizations has increased by a whopping 74% since the start of the full-war invasion. Meanwhile, the overall number of non-profit organizations, including charities, has hardly changed.

As of the beginning of December 2023, there are 20,671 charity organizations in Ukraine. Their number has increased by 74% since the start of the full-scale war.

At the same time, the overall number of non-profit organizations has hardly changed — 1,600 institutions have been added. This is less than 1% of the total number of organizations. In total, there are currently 208,385 non-profit organizations in Ukraine.

Among all non-profit institutions, there are the most civic associations — 57,497 or 27.5% of the total. Before the full-scale war, various “budget organizations” were in second place, but now they have been replaced by associations of co-owners of a multi-apartment building — 33,402 or 16.03%. Closing the top are 31,293 non-profit budget institutions.

The number of budget institutions and creative associations has decreased the most noticeably — by 27.6% and 26.9%, respectively.

The highest number of non-profit organizations is registered in Kyiv — 11.8% of the total in the country. Every year, their number is increasing. During the period of the full-scale war, over 4,000 such institutions were added in the capital.

The second place is held by the Lviv region — 7.8%. In third place is Dnipropetrovsk region with 7.3%. Closing the top five leaders are the Odessa and Kyiv regions, with 5.8% and 5% respectively.

You can check the non-profit status of an organization on Opendatabot. To do this, send the bot the company code.

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