Almost Half of Taxes from PEs Is Trading and Information Services

Which entrepreneurs pay the most taxes to Ukraine?

13 September 2021

In 2020, PEs paid UAH 52 billion in taxes, out of which UAH 37 billion was the single tax. The largest portion was paid by private entrepreneurs in trading and information services (including programmers) as well as professional, scientific, and technical activities.

One-third of all taxes was paid by PEs in wholesale and retail trading—UAH 11.6 billion. However, these PEs are the most numerous: currently, 825,102 are engaged in trading in Ukraine. Thus, every PE in trading pays UAH 14,000 per year on average.

Types of PEs who paid the most taxes in Ukraine
Trading11 503 615 000
Information and telecommunications7 835 018 000
Professional, scientific, and technical activities3 262 419 000
Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities2 868 566 000
Process industries2 547 958 000
Real estate transactions1 924 956 000
Civil construction1 301 913 000
Administrative and auxiliary services1 285 300 000
Hotel and restaurant businesses1 274 460 000
Agriculture1 126 893 000
Other services857 864 000
Healthcare and social care430 970 000
Arts, sports, entertainment, and leisure307 551 000
Financial activities236 991 000
Education223 146 000
Water supply and sewerage60 577 000
Electricity, gas, steam, and conditioned air supply9 868 000
Mining industry6 426 000
Public management3 717 000
Household activities2 495 000
Activities of extraterritorial organizations760

PEs engaged in information and telecommunications take second place. They have paid UAH 7.8 billion to the state budget, which is 21% of the total amount. In other words, one private entrepreneur pays UAH 28,300 in taxes per year. This category includes IT specialists, publishers, movie and TV program creators, radio and TV hosts.

If instead we look at how much was paid by each individual PE, the rating of taxpayers will change. It will be represented by the suppliers of electricity, steam, and gas as well as builders and farmers.

The most taxes per one PE was paid by entrepreneurs engaged in electricity, steam, and gas supply. Each of them paid over UAH 46,700 per month. There are currently 211 PEs operating in this field of activity in Ukraine with a total of UAH 9.8 million paid in taxes in 2020.

Amount of taxes paid by one PE per year (by activity)
Electricity, gas, steam, and conditioned air supply46 768
Civil construction42 160
Agriculture37 687
Public management34 738
Administrative and auxiliary services31 235
Real estate transactions28 773
Information and telecommunications28 375
Financial activities28 321
Process industries27 595
Professional, scientific, and technical activities25 743
Hotel and restaurant businesses16 254
Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities15 181
Healthcare and social care14 553
Trading13 942
Education13 037
Water supply and sewerage12 941
Arts, sports, entertainment, and leisure12 201
Mining industry8 975
Other services6 922
Household activities4 280
Activities of extraterritorial organizations13

The second biggest taxpayers are entrepreneurs engaged in construction. An average amount paid in taxes by one such PE is UAH 42,000. In total, there are 30,800 PEs engaged in construction. The overall amount of taxes is UAH 1.3 billion.

Farmers take third place by average paid taxes per one PE with 29,900 of them each paying around UAH 37,600. The overall amount reached UAH 1.1 billion.

Compared to last year, the number of PEs is largely unchanged. As of December 2020, there were 1,911,921 active PEs, while currently there are 1,967,959 of them.

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